Saturday: The Acoustic Immersion Pod ($3,000)

  We all love music – it defines who we are as an individual. Imagine listening to your tunes in comfort, no more on bus seats or train journeys wearing headphones. The award winning Egg Chair merged with some powerful speakers…that’s it, there’s your comfort right there. This merge in beauty is the Acoustic Immersion Pod.

  The ‘immersive’ experiance comes from the chair’s interior, open-cell acoustic foam (the stuff used in professional recording studios) makes sure that the sound is directed and heard by you and you alone while still functioning as a chair. When have you wanted to listen to your music at home but can’t because someone is watching tv? Or you and your room mate battling it out in an epic music war by turning each song up louder until an unrecognisable mess is produced? In my experience anyway, allot!

  The chair is perfect for home entertainment too, the 5 1/4″ 40-watt speakers provide amazing 5.1 surround sound. On-screen explosions are not only heard but felt too, under the seat is a 500-watt subwoofer putting you right into the centre of the action. You will never miss that grenade that was thrown at you, walk straight past enemy footsteps or even mishear that crucial dialogue in the latest block buster.

  Get yours on Hammacher today! They specialise in some really ‘unexpected’ stuff.

Wednesday: Cabasse La Sphere ($200,000)

Now it is sound’s turn to enter in the expensive list. Meet the Cabasse La Sphere.

Looks pretty nice huh? Yea, but look at the price! $200,000…for that you could get a house or even an awesome pool table (seriously, its an interactive pool table and it looks pretty darn cool).

Buy these 1m 40cm puppies and not only have you got some speakers but Christoph Cabasse the founder’s son, will come to you, say a lil’ thank you and install the system – ahhh there’s your $200,000, its his cost to fly over in his super transformer jet to see you – how kind.

I am no expert in sound so a good £100 set will do me fine, but they’re just extortionate. Their design is pretty cool though, all eyeball shaped speaker sitting on its interweaving stand, a centre piece to any room I’m sure.

Price: $200,000